You need to make a GraphData.cfm file in the cfide directory.

Just make it an empty file with that EXACT name


----- Original Message -----
  From: Hassan Arteaga Rodriguez
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 4:15 PM
  Subject: [cftalk] About CFChart..

  Hi all:

  I'm trying to make a simple chart just to test cfchart tag. But i had
  many problems with that.
  Now when i take out the name in cfchart apear in the browser an symbol
  as a missing image.

  When i look at the HTML code i have this:
  Normal html hearder
  some map with the name Images_100012_JPG_map
  And this img tag
  <IMG SRC="">   id=Images_100012_JPG name=Images_100012_JPG
  usemap="" border=0>

  When i search in CFIDE dir for GraphData.cfm file...the file is missing.

  Help please


  MSc. Hassan Arteaga Rodríguez
  Microsoft Certified System Engineer.
  DIGI- Grupo de Desarrollo
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