Should have looked at that first, this is my first query of a query, thought it had something to do with QofQ


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Tony Weeg
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 8:38 AM
  Subject: RE: Help with Q of Q

  I don't know for sure, but from the error, it looks like you are trying to
  perform a math operation on a datatype that is textual.  if the column isnt
  a number (like int or bigInt), I would cant do a sum operation
  on it.


  tony weeg
  senior web applications architect
  navtrak, inc.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 8:33 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Help with Q of Q

  Hello All,

  I am trying to run a query of a query and I am running into a little of SQL
  trouble.  I keep getting this error Query Of Queries runtime error.
  The aggregate function [SUM(_expression_)] cannot operate on an operand of
  type [VARCHAR].

  Here is the code I am trying to run

  <cfquery name="MasterQuery" datasource="#appdsn#">  Select
           , Orig_amt
           , Cur_Bal
           , Sum(Pmt_amt) as SUMPmtamt
           , Count(*) as TotalPayments
        from Client_debt
      Left outer
        join Client_pmt
          on client_debt.debt_id = client_pmt.debt_id
          by client_debt.debt_id
           , Orig_amt
           , Cur_Bal


  <!--- <cfdump var="#masterquery#"> --->
  <cfquery name="qry_GetTrackingReport" dbtype="query">

  select count(*) as TotalAccounts
  , Sum(Orig_amt) as SumOrigAmt
  , Sum(Cur_Bal) as SumCurBal
  , Sum(SUMPmtamt) as SUMSUMPmtAmt
  , Sum(TotalPayments) as SUMTotalPayments
  >From MasterQuery

  <cfdump var="#qry_GetTrackingReport#">

  It look ok to me, I am not sure what I am not seeing, can someone point me
  in the right direction.


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