Not sure if this will help....but there is a CF tag for using ImageMagik....I also have  aCFC that will thumbnail an image for on Windows and Linux...requires CFMX 6.1

Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
t. 250.920.8830

Macromedia Associate Partner
Vancouver Island ColdFusion Users Group
Founder & Director
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: John Burns
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 6:48 AM
  Subject: ImageMagick from CF on Linux??

  Ok, my host just installed ImageMagick for me on the servers.  I can make a
  CFEXECUTE call to the convert function of ImageMagick and I get no errors,
  but I have it set to output a file and the file is not showing up.  I tried
  the exact same piece of code on my Windows testing server and it works (I
  just changed the paths to be linux paths).  Any ideas on what the problem
  might be?

  Here's the windows code:

  <cfexecute name="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\convert.exe"
  arguments="C:\testImage.jpg -geometry ""140x140+0+0"" -quality 80

  +profile * C:\thumbnail.jpg"></cfexecute>

  Here's the Linux code:

  <cfexecute name="/usr/X11R6/bin/convert"
  arguments="/home/serve/truth/testImage.jpg -geometry ""140x140+0+0""
  -quality 80 +profile * /home/serve/truth/thumbnail.jpg"></cfexecute>

  I've even tried stripping it down to the simplest form I could come up with,
  just to open the image and create a new image that's exactly the


  <cfexecute name="/usr/X11R6/bin/convert"


  Does anyone have any input for me?  Also, as a side question, if there any
  way in CF to find out what the <CFEXECUTE> did when using ImageMagick.  Is
  there anything returned to me from the ImageMagick functions?  Any help
  would be great!

  John Burns
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