I suggest you read the archives, because this troll...er...post has come up
for discussion at least once a month for the last couple of years.  

To try and answer your questions:

Fusebox is SUPER because...it provides a structured and organized basis for
your ColdFusion applications.  (Which any existing, or soon-to-be-existing,
framework/methodology should do.)

You could build individual modules and as long as you follow the Fusebox
conventions, I could come in mid-project and know exactly where to jump in
and start coding without learning your or anyone else's methodologies.  It's
basically a foundation for building websites and/or applications that is
already thought-out and in widespread use.

The rules of Fusebox also dictate a separation of different elements of your
code.  Queries, action pages, and display pages to start with, all the way
up to full blown MVC.  This does not make your code run 1000 times faster,
it just helps you and your team develop the code quicker because you are all
following the same game plan.

There's a whole bunch more to it (distinct labels/name for each page,
reusability, layouts, etc), but you are going to have to figure that out for

Go check this out for some more information: http://www.fusebox.org

If you like what you read, try out some sample applications.  Otherwise, no
"big deal".  You have a choice and a will of your own (unless you are borg.)
You can do whatever the hell you want to.  No one is making you use it, at
least not that I know of.

And it's not someone else's idea of how to build a website.  It's a whole
bunch of intelligent people's ideas combined, packaged and put in real-world
use through 4 distinct (free) versions...there's a difference.



From: Gabriel Robichaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 2:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

Ok... so you make a valid point of saying anyone can use it.  I still dont
see why I should use it.  I can use Pascal if I want, but i dont think i
should.  Thats what I keep hearing, fusebox is usefull, fusebox will do
this, fusebox will do that, but nobody really says why.  When i decided to
explore CFML programming, a colleague said : "It will make your programming
easier." and i said "why is that" to which he replied "Because you will need
less code to do the same task, and its tag based, both of which will enable
you to have quicker turn arounds".  That to me is why. Just saying because
its easier is not a reason.

So why is it easy to use?  How is it useful?


-----Original Message-----
From: Kwang Suh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 2:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

Are you sure the questions are "overly complicated", or are you not sure
about the context of the questions?

Anyhow, Fusebox is easy to use and very useful.  Heck, if I can teach a very
junior programmer to use it mindlessly, I'm sure anyone else can.

As for the creativity aspect, like I said before, if you like creating your
own frameworks, then go right ahead (I know a few people on this list have).
No one's holding a gun to your head.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabriel Robichaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 6, 2003 11:54 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

I for one would love to see the arguments FOR using fusebox.  I have been to
the FB web site and I am not sure its worth the effort of learning a
completely new mehtodology and reengineering my processes to fit someone
elses model.  I think that Dan's points are valid especially when it comes
to creativity, but I am sure there are opinions, very good ones, pro FB.  I
just don`t see them.  What I do see, is a lot of people posting questions
about it on the forums that seem overly complicated, and honestly, the last
thing i need is more complication in my Dev process.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kwang Suh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 1:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

If you don't like it, don't use it.  Everything you've said is opinion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Farmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: December 6, 2003 11:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

First off I admit that I don't know much about Fusebox, other than it's a
methodology for writing web application software. I've done a bit of
research into it. And quite frankly I don't see what the big deal is.

I think the thing I don't like about it, is that Fusebox is someone else's
idea of how to create a web application. So right off the bat Fusebox
developers "short-cicrut" their own creative ways to use Coldfusion and
place themselves into a box that someone else has defined?

Again, I'm no expert on programming or coldfusion ( I do know some ), but I
think what I do know is creativity. Would it not be more fun, more exciting
to develop your own methods of doings things? Methods that are customized to

your own unique personality and skill?

I do welcome Fusebox developers to enlighten me as to the benefit of using
it and why. Maybe even comment on how they can use their own creative
processes within it. Right now, Fusebox just seems like a good idea for the
person who created.

We could all create a new methodology ourselves...right now.... call it
"Ultimate Coral Dragon", then write books and articles...I don't know, it
all seems silly.

_                   ______
Daniel Farmer
Web Developer Consultant
P: 613.284.1684
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