Hello All,

Firstly I would like to apologize on my clients behalf, they still use Netscape 4.79 across their corporation (can't upgrade them to IE or newer version of Netscape)

I have some code which works fine in IE but it causing me some headaches in netscape partly because of security reasons I have disabled all caching of pages. Here is how it works

I have a select box that lists HTML reports form a directory.  Then by selecting their report I send the directory and file name to a page that displays it using the form variable.

Here is the select box

<form name="report" method="post" action="" target="_blank">
<input type="Hidden" name="directory" value="<cfoutput>#directory#</cfoutput>">
<select name="filename">
<cfset var1 = "_">
<cfset var2 = " ">
<cfset var3 = ".html">
  <cfloop query="repdir" startrow="1" endrow="20">
   <cfset dispname = #RemoveChars(repdir.name, 1, 6)#>
   <cfset dispnamefinal = #replace(dispname, var3, var2)#>
   <option value="#name#">#Replace(dispnamefinal, var1, var2, "all")#</option>
   <!--- <input type="Hidden" name="dispnamefinal" value="#dispnamefinal#"> --->

<input type="Submit" value="Go">

Then on my display page I do this

<div align="center">
  <cfif session.language eq 1>
<cfinclude template="#directory#/#filename#">
<cfinclude template="#directory#_fr/#filename#">

The problem is that netscape automatically reload the page twice so what is happening is that I will see the content then I will get data missing.  I you refresh the browser the content will come back.  I there a better way to do this?  Maybe a different scope so that when netscape reloads the varibables are still present?

Thanks in advance

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