Hi all.

I have a base install of CFMX (not upgraded to 6.1 yet), and am finding that
Verity has some problems indexing french content.  So, we've done some
research and determined we need to install the Verity Language Pack.  I've
downloaded the asian/european language pack, and now need to apply it.
However the file is just a zip file, but doesn't have any install
instructions - no readme.txt, setup.exe, or any other file that might hint
at this.  So, now I'm confused.  Do I just dump the files into some folder
in the CFMX folders?  Can anyone offers some guidance? Thanks.

If it helps, what we are seeing is that the french content is getting
indexed, but when we display a highlight from the colleciton, the accented
characters are getting mangled/converted into odd characters, sometimes
unprintable characters.  Our research suggests this would be fixed by the
language pack.  Can anyone comment on this?  Are we going down the right

Thanks in advance.

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