
I am providing user a form to add new employees in the system. Problem
I am facing is that users are adding same employees twice (as adding is
managed by different departments). Now this adding form
(dsp_addEmployee.cfm) is quite complicated and I dont want to touch it
at all neither do I want to touch its act page (act_addEmployee.cfm)
where its acutally adding looking at loads of different criterias.
Solution we came up with is that check the date of birth in the form as
user submits the form and provide the user with list a of all employees
for that date of birth and a message that checks if the employee already
exist. If h/she does then go somewhere (doesn't matter where), if no
then click on CONTINUE and it will run the act page. This CONTINUE seems
a bit tricky as I can have a new page called
dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm between dsp_addEmployee.cfm and
act_addEmployee. But on continue that dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm
needs to carry all form variables (attributes here as i am using FB3). I
cannot store them again in hidden variables as its too complicated and

So whats the solution for this problem?

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