CF MX 6.1/Windows XP

I'm trying to implement some site-wide error handling using cferror, and
it's really being a PITA.

In my application.cfm file, at the very end, I have:

<cferror type="EXCEPTION" template="/error/error.cfm" exception="ANY">
<cferror type="REQUEST" template="/error/404.cfm">

error.cfm and 404.cfm are both in /error/, I have verified this.  After
I made this change, I restarted services and then loaded a test page
with an error in it.  Instead, I got the standard exception error
handling page (not my page).  After about 30 minutes of screwing around,
I went into CFAdmin and registered /error/error.cfm as the default error
handler, and lo and behold, it worked.  I then went in and removed that
setting from CFAdmin and it still worked.  Has anyone else seen this

Second problem is the request error page, /error/404.cfm  That page is
being loaded as expected when I force a request error, but I cannot for
the life of me get the error variables to display as they should.  It is
my understanding from
that I can display a number of variables, but cannot otherwise use any
CF tags.  Well, here is /error/404.cfm, and it doesn't display the value
for error.browser (it displays #error.browser# like it's expecting a
cfoutput tag):

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

When I do put #error.browser# inside cfoutput tags, it throws an error.

What am I doing wrong?  All I want to be able to do is display a form
that will allow the end user to submit feedback, and part of that form
will be these error variables in hidden form fields.


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