Around the dateFormat() call, add a CFIF that'll use isDate() to to decide
if it should do the dateFormat(), or just insert NULL.  You can also use
CFQUERYPARAM for the same task:

<cfif isDate(act_date)>#dateFormat(act_date,


<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#act_date#" null="#NOT
isDate(act_date)#" />

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 10:10 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Problems with Nulls
> Hello All,
> I am running in to a problem on something that I do locally
> on our intranet.  I query one database(SYBASE) then load the
> data that I need in to an access database for a CF app that I
> have created.
> There is section on the Sybase database where notes are
> entered then notes tables looks like this
> AccountNumber
> NoteDate
> Notetime
> Note
> Then I loop over all these records and insert them in to my
> access database it works fine until I hit a record that has no date
> I get this error
> Error Diagnostic Information
> ODBC Error Code = 22005 (Error in assignment)
> [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch
> in criteria _expression_.
> SQL = "Insert into Client_comm (AccountNumber, Act_date,
> Act_time, Comments) Values (1081729, '','', '+----Match
> Search (by SIN Number)-------')"
> In my access database the fields are as follows
> AccountNumber(Number), Act_date(date) Act_Time(text), Comments(text)
> My Insert statement looks like this
> <cfquery name="Act_InsetNotes" datasource="#dsn#">
>    Insert into Client_comm
>    (AccountNumber, Act_date, Act_time, Comments)
>    Values
>    (#AccountNumber#, '#dateformat(act_date,
> "mm/dd/yyyy")#','#timeformat(act_time, "hh:mm:ss")#',  '#comments#')
>    </cfquery>
> Thanks
> Mike
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