
much appreciated.

>> Hi!
>> I'm trying to get the name of the directory that houses
>> template. The problem is that I just need the directory's
>> name.
>> For example, given the actual path:
>> C:\whatever\whateverElse\myDirectory\myTemplate
>> I need to extract the directory's name (myDirectory) into
>> a variable.
>> I have been able to do it by using
>> <cfset
>> myDirectory=REReplace(cgi.script_name,"/[^/]*$","")>
>> <cfoutput>#ListLast(myDirectory, "/")#</cfoutput>
>> but wondered if there is a simpler or better way of doing
>> the same.
>> thanks!
>ought to give you what you're looking for.
>s. isaac dealey                214-823-9345
>team macromedia volunteer
>chief architect, tapestry cms
>onTap is open source 
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