I had this problem for the last two years and I know I am ready for a better solutioins.

In my CMS I would like to attached various images and other files to records in various tables.  I'm considering 3 approaches and I would like some advice.

Approach 1.
Have an "image" and a "doc_attached" field in each table.  (This is the approach that I'm currently using but I'm having problems because I am limited to 1 image and 1 attachment per record.

Approach 2.
Since file and documents form a one-to-many and even a many-to-many relationship.  Store all images, and attachments in a seperate than go about the business of more complicated queries and more complicated data retrieve code.

Approach 3.
Create a "attach_wddx" field in each table then lump all attachments into a serialized query object. (this is approach that I've just switch to.

The issues to manage are:

Issue 1:
The interface for adding a new attachment to a record is bulky and not very intuitive.

Issue 2.
How do a manage and coordinate the database reference to the file, where the physical file is stored and how to more efficient upload the the files.

Issue 3.
Since each attach file has a lable and description field. How do I edit the lable and description field with out having to  delete and reupload the attachmente.

I've considered just having a resource management use case, where the process of managing attachment resources (sound, video, flash, .doc etc) is centralized.

Has anyone figured out a  good approach to this issue.
Dwayne Cole, MS in MIS, MBA
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
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