Mauricio's system is definitely a cut above many others, but as was
pointed out it has a weakness.  The email goes to a unique address, but
you can't gaurantee the recipient is the actual user.  You need to
authenticate the person and not the address to take this a step further.

I use the same system Mauricio describes, but I add in a hint/answer
supplied by the user.  User writes the question out him/herself, and
supplies the case-sensitive answer.  In addition to the two password
fields on the change screen, the user has to answer the question
correctly (its up to the user to pick a q/a only they know and can
figure out... Another failure point but I can't see a way to strengthen

When a user requests a new password, the admin gets an email (almost
always worthless, but on one occasion did alert me to a hack attempt).

If a user retries more than X times, I lock them out for the duration of
their session.  Keeps out automated attacks and resets itself so the
admin doesn't get bothered too much.

I never send passwords.  If a user fails the self-service system then I
tell them to run the change password routine.  If they forget their
hint/answer and can be real-world authenticated then I wipe the
hint/answer and then make them change their password via the automated
system, which upon seeing no hint/answer will demand a new one.  

The hint is encrypted, the answer is a salted hash.  

Salted hash:  Do the passwords like that as well.  Adding salt prevents
two hashes from being unique no matter what, and kills dictionary
attacks (I still run proposed passwords thru a dictionary filter, just
to be mean).

Google 'salted hash' and read the MSDN Security Brief that should be the
#2 response.  In addition to explaining the concept it has some
excellent free word-list dictionary sources in it, in mnay languages.

Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.
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