I presume you're talking about IIS 4. If so, here are a couple of links:

General Microsoft Checklist for IIS security:

Remove the EVERYONE group from your server, but make sure the permissions in
the link below  are granted to your Anonymous web server user (i.e.
IUSR_ServerName). You'll also need to grant RX permissions for this user on


----- Original Message -----
From: "Clinton Gallagher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 7:33 AM
Subject: OT: NT-IIS Access Control List Strategy

> I'm setting up my first extensive intranet platform
> and as usual the first thing I learned is what I
> haven't...
> Are there any recommended NT-IIS lists or documents
> that provide a step-by-step approach to setting up
> an NT-IIS platform with the emphasis on the Directory
> and File System Access Control Lists?
> If for example this is an intranet and people are
> going to be creating documents, publishing them
> so others can read them, have the ability to access
> that document and edit is necessary, re-publish
> or provide an opportunity for a manager to 'red-line'
> the document and re-publish where the heck do I
> start to create a secure yet flexible resource
> management strategy that enables workflow?
> <%= Clinton Gallagher

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