I was looking around for a code example of this and haven't been able to
find one - it's definitely something that's been on my list of "must learn"
- now it's a need to learn item.

I have 2 tables in my db - one is partcategory and one is partsubcatetory.
I have a CF snippet set to create a form select pulldown off of the first
table, but what I want to have happen is when they make a selection from the
first pull down (onChange) run a 2nd query to populate the subcategory with
the appropriate items.

The part category pulldown select code is this:

<!--- part cat select pulldown --->
<cfquery name="selPartCat" datasource="#Session.DSN#">
   select * from partcategory
<cfparam name="PartCategorySelect" default="">
<cfparam name="FindCategory" default="">
<cfset PartCategorySelect=PartCategorySelect & '<option value="0"'>
<cfset PartCategorySelect=PartCategorySelect & ">" & "--Make A Selection--">
<cfoutput query="selPartCat">
  <cfset PartCategorySelect=PartCategorySelect & '<option
  <cfif pc_id eq FindCategory>
<cfset PartCategorySelect=PartCategorySelect & "
  <cfset PartCategorySelect=PartCategorySelect & ">" &
<cfset PartCategorySelect=PartCategorySelect & "</select>">
<cfset PartCategorySelect='<select name="PartCategorySelect">'  &

<!--- end part cat pulldown --->


This gives me a nice pulldown with the correct values and selection names.
Now I'm stuck on the _javascript_ to get the 2nd query / pulldown to be


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