Thanks - glad to hear it ;)


Simon Horwith
CTO, Etrilogy Ltd.
Member of Team Macromedia
Macromedia Certified Instructor
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
Certified Flash MX Developer
CFDJList - List Administrator

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Peter Tilbrook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 08 January 2004 07:36
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay

  What a bunch of whingers!

  And so soon in the New Year too!

  Strewth! If you ppl are bitching about how much it cost consider us
  overseas. It costs more than TWICE as much.

  Please consider.

  PS. I love CFDJ - Simons write-up on MAX2003 was the closest most of the
  world would get to it and I will welcome him to MXDU 2004 with gratitude
  just to thank him for the many books, articles, etc he has contributed for
  all of us.

  Peter Tilbrook
  ColdFusion Applications Developer
  ColdGen Internet Solutions
  Manager, ACT and Region ColdFusion Users Group -
  4/73 Tharwa Road
  Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620

  Telephone: +61-2-6284-2727
  Mobile: +61-0439-401-823

  \¯\/¯/ |¯|)¯) /¯/\¯\ \¯\/¯/
  /_/\_\ |_|)_) \_\/_/ /_/\_\ RULES
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