We just had a thread on this a few days ago, didn't we?  Or was it one of those that forked and went in this direction?  The subject was best practices w/passwords, or storing them or something like that.

Anyway, hashing isn't the be-all and end-all.  Its a real good start, but you can do better.  Check this out:


CF produces a one-way md5 hash with the hash() function.

The AccessMonger system presently hashes passwords.  Literally right now I'm working on a revision that will salt them as well.  It should be available on the DevEx by this evening.

There is more you can do, like run the pwd thru a filter to ensure there are numeric values in the word, then strip out the numeric values and run the surviving chars thru a dictionary filter.  

Matt Robertson,     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc. http://mysecretbase.com

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