So, I downloaded and installed the free version of BlueDragon 6.1 beta
2. This took care of issues I had with gettings the mySQL JConnect JDBC
driver working. I can now make a connection with my mySQL server:)

But...I took a low end CF5 App that I have had running on my CF 6.1
developer box and copied it to this new BD server. It's a simple app,
just a minor backend editor for viewing/adding/updating/deleting records
in various tables. I see that the mySQL driver is working because I get
query results on some queries. But then...I attempt to load some pages
with some simple SQL select statements and they error out for no
apparent reason.

Same pages, same code, same queries, even the same database, but
erroring pages that worked fine on my CF dev server.

Before posting some of my SQL code, or discussing the errors that are
appearing, I was wondering if anyone else has yet had a similar
experience? I know this beta only came out yesterday, but I thought it
pertinent to ask. Any insight is appreciated and welcome.

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