
To be accurate its best to use a storedproc, but if you don't want to
use it like this

<cfquery name="updatequery" datasource="whateverdsn">
            update table
            set column = x
            where column = y

<cfquery name="getrowcount" datasource=" whateverdsn ">
            select @@rowcount as RecordsUpdated

just be sure to wrap in a transaction.

The only bad thing about it is if the table you are updating has a
trigger that does something then you are going to get the value from the
trigger's execution.  @@rowcount returns the number of rows affected by
the very last executed statement.

Hope it helps,
Nate Nelson

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Hastings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 4:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Detecting SQL Update success

> Is there a way to detect if a SQL update statement in <CFQUERY>
in a record being updated? I guess I would want to know the number of

depends on your db, for sql server examine the @@ROWCOUNT var
after your update.
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