How did I know you would suggest that?!!
Just wanted something quick and easy... Will do a central one down the

On 14/1/04 2:17 pm, "Christian Cantrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 06:10  PM, Ryan Mitchell wrote:
>> > I was wondering if anyone had experience making a news style ticker
>> > that a
>> > user can put on their desktop... I was thinking active desktop was the
>> > best
>> > way to do it (I'm happy enough to limit to windows), and I looked into
>> > channel definition files, but I can't get them working...
> Have you investigated Central?  It runs on the desktop and is cross
> platform (at least Windows and OS X, at this point).
> Introduction to Central white paper:
> Christian
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