I tried that and that outputs nothing. All the Cf comes through like #form.whatever# and nothing is processed.

>Instead of cfset use cfsavecontent
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kelly Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 11:06 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: CFFILE Question
>OK I have a form that someone fills out, they hit submit and I present
>the results.  At the same time I need to create an html file on the fly
>with the same results to save for later use.  So basically I set
>something like <CFSET body='THE ENTIRE HTML DOCUMENT BODY'>
>Now within the above CFSET tag the body contains html and cold fusion.
>There are some CFIF statements in it etc.
>However when I then go to write the file
><CFFILE action="" output="#body#"> etc.
>The file is created but the cold fusion tags appear in the html file.
>Any cold fusion out put is coming through fine but anything like <CFIF>
>tags are actually in the html document AS CFIF tags instead of
>processing BEFORE the html document is created.  I hope that makes
>sense. I just need to create this html document but have the tags
>actually process rather then show up in the body. Suggestions?
>  _____  
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