I too have had this problem with cfpop as a result I have been forced to
return to cfx_pop3.  Perhaps Macromedia should learn something from the
developer of this tag perhaps hire him to reform their current tag.

I have one main question though.  Why is there no feature in either the
cfpop or cfx_pop3 to just get a recordcount.  Lets say I don't want to
download all the messages or the headers, I just want to know how many there
are.  POP is so slow that to provide a basic e-mail client over the web I
have to show the user some form of interactivity but I cannot even show them
how many e-mails they have to download for a full 5 minutes.  Now this is a
little abnormal as I am retrieving thousands of e-mails at a time but still
all I want is a recordcount.

Tyler Clendenin
GSL Solutions
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