If it's SQL server, then use-


>From: Michael Grove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: HELP!!! I have a SQL Call That I cannot Make work...
>Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 12:12:24 -0400
>I have been working on this for days and can not figure it out. I think it
>would be somthing easy, but just cant get it.
>I have an auction site that I am working on. I have two tables,
>Auction_Item table and Auction_Bid table.
>The item table houses the product id, auction close date, the reserve price
>and the seller id. The bid table houses the product_id, bid amount and
>bidder id.
>What I want to do is show a list of auctions that have reached their close
>date and have a bid exceeding the reserve price.
>I can do this. The trickey part is, I dont want to see all of the bids
>exceeding the reserve. Only the highest bid.
>here is what I have so far....
><cfquery name="Auction_Sale" datasource="#DatasourceName#" dbtype="ODBC">
>SELECT ab.Bid_Amount as HighBid, ab.Member_ID as Bidder, ab.product_id,
>ai.reserve_price, ai.date_enddate as ENDDATE, ai.product_identifier,
>ai.member_ID as SELLER,
>ml.userid as BIDDER_NAME
>FROM Auction_Bids ab, Auction_Items ai, member_list ml
>WHERE ai.status = 'active'
>AND ai.date_enddate < #createODBCdate(now())#
>AND ab.bid_amount >= ai.reserve_price
>AND ai.product_ID = ab.Product_ID
>AND ab.Member_ID = ml.member_ID
>ORDER BY ai.date_enddate, ai.product_ID, ab.bid_amount DESC</cfquery>
>What am I missing?
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