Hi Brook, thanks.
I will find this out too, hopefully.
It looks as if Argosoft is
a great price/performance product.

BD> I am running both IMS-SE and Argosoft. IMS-SE for bulk mailings and
BD> ArgoSoft for all other mail send by our web apps. I estimate we send about
BD> 1000-2000 emails per day with Argosoft with no problems at all. ArgoSoft is
BD> has been a good,stable product for us.

BD> Brook

BD> At 03:13 PM 1/24/2004, you wrote:
>>thank you.
>>This was very helpful.
>>Infact I have the same issue, when I take
>>IMS-SE. The CPU-LOAD gets up too.
>>I have IMail 6.06
>>I wonder if there is something misconfigured.
>>Looking on number 3 of your solutions right now is not
>>that much an option for me, since 250 USD for IMS-SE
>>would be fine but not if I have to install the full
>>IMS product (at least iMSSOHO) which is at: 500 USD
>>which is blowing my budget away here.
>>Another option I thought of today is to work
>>e.g. with Argosoft as an SMTP-sending engine
>>on the same server as ColdFusion but is only 80 USD.
>>But I have no experience how Argosoft runs under load.
>>Anyway, I will try the other tips as well.
>>Maybe that works already for me.
>>dsd> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>>dsd> Saturday, January 24, 2004, 6:27:30 PM, haben Sie geschrieben:
>>MR>> I'm in the same boat with the same software and upgrade path.  However I
>>MR>> never noticed MX 6.1 behaving differently in terms of serfer load.  I've
>>MR>> done these things:
>>MR>> 1. Set the mail spool fetch rate to a low interval.  The default used to
>>MR>> be 15 seconds, but trying it under MX I see it can now go down to 1
>>MR>> second (which sounds like a very bad idea).  I wonder if 5 seconds is
>>MR>> too close together.
>>MR>> 2. Throttle the mail speed down programmatically.  This is gauranteed to
>>MR>> solve the problem but introduces other issues (you have to let the
>>MR>> browser sit and run the mail) Instructions here:
>>MR>> This method is very low tech but works well.  It can be improved by
>>MR>> moving the url vars to client scope, which will also give you failover
>>MR>> if the thing blows up mid-job.
>>MR>> As soon as I have the time I'll update this, as it can be made vastly
>>MR>> more robust than as presented in bare bones here.  Based on the recent
>>MR>> CFMAIL thread regarding imported address validation, I have just
>>MR>> finished rewriting the big bro of this routine to run under a loop
>>MR>> rather than use the query parameter of cfmail, and run a 40-item
>>MR>> validation test that stores an individual error list in db records, then
>>MR>> runs a big regex on the address as a general check, and THEN has its own
>>MR>> try/catch block wrapped around the cfmail statement itself in case
>>MR>> anything else goes wrong in the tag inside the loop.  At job end a
>>MR>> complete list of errors (mail format and try/catch) goes to the sender.
>>MR>> 3. Buy a copy of IMS_SE at
>><http://coolfusion.com.>http://coolfusion.com.  I am about 10 days
>>MR>> into my 60-day trial and I think it'll be a keeper.  I'm looking to use
>>MR>> it to offload the outgoing mail load from Imail, which is so loaded down
>>MR>> with filter-based anti-spam tests -- even with outgoing mail whitelisted
>>MR>> -- that I wanted to bypass it completely for CF-generated mass mail.
>>MR>> HtH,
>>MR>> --------------------------------------------
>>MR>>  Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>MR>>  MSB Designs, Inc.  <http://mysecretbase.com>http://mysecretbase.com
>>MR>> --------------------------------------------
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