Thanks, Josh.

Sorry, yes, we are on Win2K/CF MX 6.1.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Josh
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 10:07 AM
  Subject: Re: Running CF as a specific user

  You are on windows I assume?  What version?

  it is pretty much the same as the technote you supplied.  the screens
  are slightly different depnding on the OS, but the idea is the same.  
  Just specify a domain login for the ColdFusionMX service.

  Sorry I do no know of a technote that explains it further....



  Exciteworks -- expert hosting for less!
  specializing in reseller accounts
  stas wrote:

  > Does anyone have the number of the technote that describes the process? I
  > need the one for MX, I remember there being one specific to MX.
  > I've already seen the article that apples to 4 and 5 -
  > Thanks!
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