Taco Fleur wrote:

> Dan,
> I was thinking about a particular one to start with, i.e.
> Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak
> I have no problem creating any code with the word object in VB syntax,
> I do
> have a problem converting the syntax to CF, which is still my open
> question:
> Is it even possible to work with **every** method/property of the word
> object in ColdFusion? If so, how to go about it.
> Try running Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak in CF, see what
> happens,
> its valid in VB
> Anyone????
> Taco Fleur

Are you asking about CF syntax for working with the object? If so, here
is instantiating it, setting a property and calling a method for an
unrelated COM object:

<cfobject  action="" type="com" class="Cybersource.ICS.3"  
<!--- Properties --->
<cfset oICS.Log = "True">
<cfset oICS.LogPath = "s:\">
<cfset oICS.LogSize = "10">
<!--- Methods --->
<cfset oICS.SetValue ("ics_applications", "ics_auth")>
<cfset oICS.SetValue ("merchant_id", "Company Name")>
<!--- Transmit the request --->
<cfset oICS.Send()>

Hope that helps.

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