I thought with MX6.1 you could use mappings in your CFIMPORT tags.  I've
never done it, but I thought it was on the feature list.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Clendenin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 3:24 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Partitioning Custom Tags for multiple code lines?
> i personally don't mind having to reference it on the page
> that is using it.
> Most normal languages require each file to reference the
> libraries it is
> using.  what gets me with cfimport is that you cannot use dynamic
> information in the taglib attribute.
> eg.
> none of this
> <cfimport prefix="foo" taglib="#myRootPath#_import/foo/">
> instead you have to be either absolute or relative which is
> not so portable
> <cfimport prefix="foo" taglib="../../_import/foo/">
> if anyone knows ho maybe you can acomplish this sort of task
> please post =)
> Tyler Clendenin
> GSL Solutions
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