A friend of mine did this. The biggest issue was trying to get CFMX on
OS X to talk to SQL Server  on VPC, when the PowerBook wasn't plugged
into a network. He finally got it working, though it seems like it
shouldn't, see
http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20031101210620201. He said
it was a little sluggish, but not too bad for development.

"I can't give you a brain, so I'll give you a diploma." - The Great Oz

On Jan 28, 2004, at 9:54 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

> For various reasons I need to setup a local install of SQL Server for
> development purposes. My primary machine is a Powerbook, so obviously
> that is a problem. I initially thought about buying a new PC just for
> this development work, but between the delay in getting the actual
> machine from Dell and the fact that it seems silly to buy a new machine
> just for this purpose I was considering alternatives. I was curious if
> anyone had tried running SQL Server on VPC 6 for Mac OS X. Looking
> around on Google didn't seem to find any information other than someone
> having success with Oracle. Thoughts?
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