The code I originally wrote has morphed into the following with some help from others on the list. However I am getting an error. It seems to not like the attribute variable for the query. One other thing. The URL from Yahoo seems to like the symbols to be separated with a + sign and my code is not providing that but there does not appear to be an error because of it. Any help would be appreciated

Here is the error:
Attribute validation error for tag cfloop. The value of the attribute query, which is currently "qStockItems", is invalid. The Error Occurred in C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\stock3.cfm: line 21
19 :  
20 : <!--- loop over the query from the cfhttp feed. --->
21 : <cfloop query="qStockItems">

Here is the code:

<!--- get all the symbols from the database --->
<cfquery name="qGetSymbols" datasource="stocks">
FROM  symbols
WHERE  exchg ='NYSE'

<!--- get a list of all the symbols --->
<cfset lStockSymbols = valueList( qGetSymbols.sym )/>
<!--- get the symbols from the yahoo feed --->
<cfhttp url="">         method="GET"

<!--- loop over the query from the cfhttp feed. --->
<cfloop query="qStockItems">

<!--- and if the last traded price of this row isnt zero  --->

<CFIF qStockItems.LastTradedPrice NEQ 0.00>
  <!--- insert this row into the database  --->
     <cfquery name="qInsertStock" datasource="stocks">
    INSERT INTO stocks
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