Taco Fleur wrote:
> <cfset arr_fruit=ArrayNew(1)>
> <cfset arr_fruit[1]="apple">
> <cfset arr_fruit[2]="banana">
> <cfset arr_fruit[3]="pear">
> <cfset edible = ArrayAppend(arr_fruit,"pineapple")>
> I also not sure that your example really displays correctly, i.e. you are
> creating an array and in the cfif example you check a simple value for yes,
> true or 1
> <!--- <cfif edible IS "YES"> --->
> or
> <!--- <cfif edible IS true> --->
> or
> <cfif edible IS 1>
> More fruit added to arr_fruit
> <cfelse>
> NO fruit added
> </cfif>
> While it should be
> <!--- <cfif edible[1] IS "apple"> --->

You might want to look up the return type ofArrayAppend().


I don't get it
immigrants don't work
and steal our jobs
     - Loesje
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