** Blackstone Preview (codename for CF7) **
Tim Buntel (ColdFusion Product Manager) has been confirmed as a keynote
for the conference. He's bringing with him the latest from the CF
engineering team. I'm told we'll be the first in the world to see some
of the concepts and ideas going into the making of CF7. For CF fans
this is an event _absolutely_ not to be missed.

** Flex Preview (previously known as Royale) **
Tim Buntel (ColdFusion Product Manager) and Ben Elmore will be keynoting
on Flex and providing an in depth session on how this amazing new
server-based Flash technology fits into your development. If your a
server based code-monkey who secretly yearns to produce slick, rich
interfaces for your apps this is for you. Gives me goose bumps just
thinking about it :)

** Straker goes Gold! **
Straker Interactive join Daemon as Gold Sponsors of the conference.
Straker will be showcasing the latest version of their award winning
SHADO framework for CMS & document management.

** Last three weeks! **
MXDU here we come. Ticket numbers have now been capped. Please
register early to avoid disappointment: http://www.mxdu.com/go/registration

Peter Tilbrook
Transitional Services - Enterprise eSolutions
Centrelink (http://www.centrelink.gov.au)
2 Faulding Street
Symonston ACT 2609

Tel: (02) 62115927

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