This was exactly what I was looking for.  But when I did it I created a
package and pass the cursor from the procedure to the package. I did this
because this is how it was explained on the macromedia website (I should
have looked on the site before asking the question).  Do I not have to do
this? Was this just for organization?


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Rob Rohan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 12:00 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Oracle Stored Procedure and CF 5.0

  On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 07:50, David Jones wrote:
  > I have a client that wants me to remove all inline SQL from his
  > even though I am using the CFQueryParam tag to invoke the use of bind
  > variables.  I am fairly familiar with Oracle Stored Procedures but what
  > not familiar with is returning queries from a Stored Procedure to CF
  > Is this possible, if so can someone provide me with a simple example.

  if you havent found this out already, here is an example of using a
  stored procedure

  <cfstoredproc procedure="sp_login"
  datasource="#request.dsn#" debug="no"
  <cfprocparam dbVarName="ipaddress" value="#cgi.REMOTE_ADDR#"
  CFSQLtype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" null="No">
  <cfprocparam dbVarName="login" value="#cli_username#"
  CFSQLType="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" null="No">
  <cfprocparam dbVarName="password" value="#rmsEncrypt(cli_password)#"
  CFSQLType="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" null="No">

  <cfprocresult name="checkClientCreds" resultSet="1">
  <!--- if you had other result sets you could do this as well
  <cfprocresult name="otherstuff" resultSet="2">

  One of the reasons I like stored procedures so much is you can get multi
  query sets back for the price of one database hit.

  anyway, hope that helps.


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