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  -----Original Message-----
  From: Tom Jordahl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 9:45 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: Web Service - this gets error . can anyone see why?


  Yes, enumeration is the problem here.

  I have fixed this, and I am working to try and get this fix available to

  I apologize for this bug.  No test for a situation means it doesn't work.
  Now we have an enumeration test. :-)

  In the mean time, try this workaround:


    ws = CreateObject("webservice",
  <http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx?wsdl> );

    enum = CreateObject("java", "NET.webserviceX.www.Currency");

    argFrom = enum.fromString("GBP");

    argTo = enum.fromString("USD");

    result = ws.ConversionRate(argFrom, argTo);


  The above workaround has one tricky problem however; you will need to copy
  the class NET.webserviceX.www.Currency to a directory on the ColdFusion
  classpath.  I suggest C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\WEB-INF\classes (adjust to your
  installation directory).

  Here is how to do that:

  1. Run this page at least once and get the Class Not Found error.
  2. Go to the CFusionMX/stubs directory and find the WS-????????
  directory that has the NET sub directory.
  3. Copy the NET directory to wwwroot/WEB-INF/class.
  4. Delete all the .class files in the NET/webserviceX.www directory
  EXCEPT Currency.class.

  Sean Cornfield originally brought the issue up tome because of a thread on
  CFGURU .  Here is his web log posting on how to debug these issues:

  Hope this helps.

  Tom Jordahl
  Macromedia Server Development

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Stephen Moretti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 6:58 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Web Service - this gets error . can anyone see why?


  The issue you have is that Currency, which is the data type for
  fromCurrency and toCurrency is an enumerated data type.

  There is a issue with CF/Axis and enumerated types.  I believe that
  Macromedia is aware of it, but have no idea what the status is or if
  there is a decent work around.

  I've been trying to sort out an issue with an enumerated data type on a
  web service I'm trying to access and as yet I haven't had been able to
  get a solution, other than to hard/hand code the soap packet and pass it
  via cfhttp to the webservice.    Not a usable solution unfortunately.

  The other solution that someone suggested was to import the web service
  and rewrite it to accept strings/numerics and post it out to the actual
  web service (I think I got that right).  Again not really a usable
  solution.  Why should you have to rewrite someone else's web service...

  If get a sensible solution, I would love to know!



  Mike Kear wrote:

  > I want to consume a web service for converting currencies  (at
  > http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx?wsdl
  <http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx?wsdl>  )  and I used
  > EXCELLENT implementation in DreamweaverMX to write the code.  That drag
  > drop is an absolute gem for this!
  > Anyway, the resulting page give an error and I cant see why because
  > going in seems perfectly logical for what the web service is supposed to
  > Here's the code that Dreamweaver wrote:
  > <cfinvoke
  > webservice="http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx?WSDL"
  > method="conversionRate"
  > returnvariable="conversionRateRet">
  >             <cfinvokeargument name="fromCurrency" value="GBP"/>
  >             <cfinvokeargument name="toCurrency" value="USD"/>
  > </cfinvoke>
  > Which (I thought) should take the input value GBP and work out a
  > to USD, and return a variable #conversionRateRet#  which will be a
  > such as 1.02, being the conversion rate.
  > However here's what I get:
  > [quote]
  > Could not perform web service invocation "conversionRate" because
  > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
  > [/quote]
  > And it's highlighting the "toCurrency" line as the one with the error.
  > If the 'fromCurrency" line is correct, how come the next line isn't?
  > anyone see what's wrong?   Or is there something else I have to do on
  > page?
  > Cheers
  > Mike Kear
  > Windsor, NSW, Australia
  > AFP Webworks
  > http://afpwebworks.com <http://afpwebworks.com>

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