
Whats the CF statement in your code that starts at line 330?


Dan O'Keefe wrote:

> I have a scheduled task the checks another site via FTP for the
> existance of files. If it finds any, downloads them, deletes them on the
> source, and then includes another template to process the downl;oaded
> files. I am finding the following error in my log since the task is
> failing, but I am confused by the error, especially since I am not using
> CFHTTP. Looks to me like CF caused an error attempting to write an error
> to the log. Line 330 in my code is a SQL query. Does that make sense?
> Error message for task: 'Cash Receipts ' is 'An error occurred while
> evaluating the _expression_:  LOGMESSAGE = "Status code for task: '" &
> "#Attributes.TASK#" & "' is '" & #cfhttp.statuscode# & "'" Error near
> line 330, column 10.
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