Running CFMX on JRun, the J2EE way, on a winblows 2000 server box.  I'm trying to pull the perf data via the performances MMC snap in for CFMX and get nada.  I can see "ColdFusion MX Server" in the Performance object dropdown and I can see the list of coubnters, but I can't choose any of them.  I see the below errors in the event log too.    Anyone else have this problem?   Google ain't helping me today.

The Open Procedure for service "ColdFusion MX Application Server" in DLL "C:\WINNT\system32\cfperfmon_mx.dll" failed.  Performance data for this service will not be available. Status code  returned is data DWORD 0.

'The data buffer created for the "ColdFusion MX Application Server"
service in the "C:\WINNT\system32\cfperfmon_mx.dll" library is not
aligned on an 8-byte boundary. This may cause problems for
that are trying to read the performance data buffer. Contact the
manufacturer of this library or service to have this problem corrected
or to get a newer version of this library.'

Douglas Knudsen
Alltel ACI IT Rapid Response Team


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