Hey there hi there ho there,

I was wondering what others have used to strip the content out of web
pages? I am working on a system that collects pages and archives them;
however, only the content needs to be stored (i.e. not the navigation,
images, extra page fodder).

The sites it is archiving are vast so it would have to rather generic
solution. I have seen this kind of thing before, but only for single
specific sites. Does anyone know a good method to do it generically?

I was leaning toward one of these but I am open to whatever

* run the collected html through tidy (or jtidy) then (somehow) use xslt
* (somehow) use a regular _expression_ on the collected html

if anyone has done this before please let me know of pitfalls or
recommendations - BTW I have time not money so any pay solutions are
right out.



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Sanam formam viatae conservate!

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