You can display the form itself using HTTP, but post the form to
https://myformhandler.cfm and the password will be encrypted.

Keep in mind that if you redirect the home page itself to HTTPS, or otherwise
start serving pages using HTTPS://, and if you use addresses without
specifying the protocol (e.g. "/mydir/mypag.cfm") the visitor will continue
browsing using HTTPS.  On a busy server, serving non-sensitive information on
a secure connection may impose unnecessary overhead for the page encryption.

----- Original Message -----
From: "stas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 11:48 AM
Subject: SSL redirect

> We have a username/password form fields on the home page and the client
> not want these to be sent in clear text. We do have SSL running, but I am
> trying to figure out how to tell the home page to redirect to the https by
> default without going into a loop.
> Thanks!
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