Hi guys,

I am sending out an email message to users when they register on my site.  However, some people have said that bits are missing, graphic etc.  These are all stored on my website and in my CFMAIL tag they are the usual http links to images and a stylesheet

Does anyone know of any irregularities with the CFMAIL tag?  Is there anyway to make sure my message can be seen by all that read it, not dependent on which email client they use?

Also, i noticed that some people don't get the mail, instead it goes straight to their JUNK MAIL box (Yahoo! especially).  Is there a way to avoid this?  I have made sure the user's name is in the TO field.  Maybe it's doing this because it sees a link in the page which doesn't link to the exact site, for instance say it says www.mysite.com the link is actually to www.mysite.com/test.cfm.

Any help on this would be grateful.

Thanks and happy Wednesday.

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