With a 1meg+ file, you want it sub 10 seconds?

I think you're hoping for far too much... Think about that the OS has to
pass that file to CF, which for a file of that size, is going to take
more than 10 seconds anyway

Try opening a 1meg+ file in Notepad - it'll take a LOT more than 10
seconds just to do that...

Also, normally, a Replace() will be faster than a REReplace(), so stick
with that

> We have a case where we have 30+ instances of text in an RTF
> document that need to be replaced with specific database
> values.  The routine we have does work, but it's pretty slow.
>  In one case, we have a 1+ meg file, that we need to do the
> 30 replacements on via the REPLACENOCASE function.  This file
> is taking approx 3-5 minutes to open.  We've explored using
> REREPLACE instead, but are not seeing any noticable speed improvement.
> The algorithm we have is something like so:
> 1. read file into a memory variable via the CFFile tag with
> action=""
> 2. Loop through our elements to replace
> 3.    do an replace on the file in memory for the current element
> 4. End loop
> 5. Write the new file out to a temporary file (which we
> manage through another process).
> We've used the GetTickCount function to narrow down exactly
> where the delay is, and it's in the loop - not on the read
> and write commands.
> I'm sure there's a better way to do this - we're looking for
> a sub 10 second response time, if possible.  Any suggestions?
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