On 8/7/00, Eric Dawson penned:
>I need a host. and I gather from cftalk that Intermedia is the winner. I am
>interested in hearing testimonials or other alternatives.

To be perfectly honest, when I signed on with them a year ago they 
were wonderful. Their tech support and their console are still among 
the best in the business, although to try and use it over the last 6 
months is enough to make you lose your hair. It occasionally takes me 
an hour just to set up an e-mail account. Click, go make a ham 
sandwich, come back, still spinning. Click again, go off on another 

Their servers are far too overloaded with CF sites. Where html pages 
will server right up sometimes, CF templates take anywhere from 30 
seconds to load up until just timing out. The performance, in my 
opinion, since around the first of the year has been abysmal at best. 
Although I never host new sites with them any more, I do work for a 
company it does. It's quite an embarassment when I have to walk a 
client through the administration of a site i build only to have them 
ask me "Why won't the pages load". I've gone so far as to finally 
tell the company that I won't build any more CF sites for them to be 
hosted there. I can't in good conscience lie to the customer and tell 
them that it's their connection, or I don't know what the problem is. 
I do know. Too many CF sites coupled with unlimited bandwidth and 

And although their 5.00 per month domains at unlimited bandwidth is a 
good deal, you don't get your own domain setip. All the 5.00 domains 
run off a main domain then are redirected to the site directory with 
an asp or CF script. Tough to do search engines. Cleints want to know 
why they have an additional directory tacked onto the end of their 
URL. After awhile, when you do a search for a site, your site will 
come up in the search engines... UNDER ONE OF THE OTHER DOMAINS ON 

Just my experience. I still hear people saying they have good 
experiences with them. I went from having over 20 sites with them 
down to my current 2, and they'll be off of there soon.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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