Make sure the destination file folder had "full control" permissions for the
SYSTEM account, as that is what CF is trying to use.

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  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Al Musella, DPM
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 9:28 AM
  Subject: Problem with CFFILE over network

       My brain is fried... was working on this all night.  I am not into
       A friend has a network set up using a windows 2000 domain controller
  to control the entire network, except for 1 stand alone computer that is
  not part of the domain.  As I said - it is my friend's network. I have no
  idea why they set it up like this.

     The problem..  they have cfmx6.1 running on a webserver, and we need to
  use cffile to place a file on that stand-alone computer.
  When we try, we get a java error that says we don't have permission to
  complete the operation.

     I set up a new user on that stand alone computer, with administrator
  access and shared the drive we need to use.
    I set up a mapping to a drive letter on the webserver using the "log on
  as"  function to log in as that administrator account on the stand alone
      The CFMX service is being run under a user account with administrator
  rights.. When I log into the webserver using that account,  Using windows
  explorer, I can write to that drive letter, but CF can't write to it.
  I also tried using the UNC format, and that works from an explorer window
  but not from CFFILE
      When I tested the situation  on my home network (using CFFILE to write
  to a difference computer), which is all just peer to peer, it works with no
     The only service running under that administrator account is CFMX
  aplication server.  the other CF services(ODBC agent and server, and the
  IIS service) are under local system.    Would it help to change them all to
  a user account?

     I tried creating the file with CFFILE on the local computer and running
  a batch file to copy it to the other computer. It works if I run the batch
  file directly, but if I run the batch file using cfexecute, it doesn't work.
     I am stuck.. any ideas?  Right now I am thinking to just schedule that
  batch file every minute to copy any files that get dropped into the
  webserver's directory and copy it to the other computer.. but there has to
  be a more elegant way!
     I checked the archives, and this problem seems to have come up before,
  but never seems to get resolved.. I am thinking it has to be some type of
  security problem... but where do I go to correct it?
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