Did anyone find the answer to this? I have the same problem on a local dev machine but using "move" as opposed to "rename".

----- Original Message -----
From: Kyle McNamara
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 5:58 AM
Subject: using cffile to set privs (cloodge)

I am using:
<cffile action="" source="#attachmentString#" destination="#attachmentString#" attributes="normal">

... to make a file writeable... it works much of the time, but not consistently sometimes I get:
Attribute validation error for tag CFFILE.
The value of the attribute source, which is currently "...", is invalid.

The thing is, I can copy the path string out and put it into a windows explorer and it works...

Can anyone think of what else it might be?

Thank you!
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