Well considering that 80% of all enterprises use Java for their web
applications I suspect that your server administrators just aren't
aware of the correct security procedures. Certainly that would appear
to be true considering they disabled cfobject, but Java objects can
still be created anyway using alternate syntax. What you need to find
it is exactly what their security concerns are and report back to the
list. I'm sure we can come up with appropriate responses once we know
what is the issue.


On Feb 17, 2004, at 1:53 PM, Deanna Schneider wrote:

> Hi All,
>  We're in the process of migrating to CFMX, and the server
> administrators
>  have real reservations about allowing us to do anything with Java.
> They have
>  disallowed read access, such that getPageContext().forward() won't
> even
>  work. They've disallowed cfinvoke, cfimport, and cfobject by default.
>  I don't know enough about java to be able to make a rational argument
> for
>  allowing us to use those tags and the native classes. Can anyone
> point me to
>  any _readable_ information about the risks?
>  Thanks.
>  -Deanna
>  --
>  Deanna Schneider
>  UWEX-Cooperative Extension
>  Interactive Media Developer
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