Use an HTML text field in Flash for displaying the data and stick with
regular HTML entities to control the display.

If you need a solution that is more granularized, Flash form fields
support multiple text styles. Use indicators in the text you pass to
Flash for where to begin/end each text style.

Jesse Warden's blog has a number of good examples of how to do the
latter. Google for his site.


-----Original Message-----
From: Burns, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: Flash remoting/web services formatting

In Flash, I'm trying to grab some data from the server (remoting or web
services) and pull that into flash.  However, I want the data to be
formatted a certain way.  I preferrably want you use special fonts and
stuff in Flash, but I'm not sure how to pass the data to Flash in order
for that to happen.  For example:

I have a CFC that returns news article headlines and dates with a small
subheadline.  I want it to appear as such:

[Bold and blue and special font] 02.18.04 - This is the newest news
[smaller black arial] This is the first sentence in the article and
blah, blah, blah.

In a CF page, I'd use styles and return this data as 3 columns (date,
headline, subheadline) but I'm not sure if I can do the same thing in
flash and use styles of some sort or if I need to return the text
preformatted with basic html <font> tags or what.  I know this is kind
of a flash question, but since it's more related to how I need to return
the data from the CFC (and I'm assuming there's a way to keep the
display layer separate from the data) I was hoping someone would have
gone through this and could provide some help.  Thanks!

John Burns
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