Well the original solution included 2 new boxes outside the company firewall.
One for a database one for the
web server. We can find the money to do it.
I then received an email saying "to make it easier on everyone can
we do it this way-one box with everything".
I'm thinking that this may not be easier in the long run.
Our long term goal is to provide more applications via internet.  
This project starts us in that direction and gives us a test case in
security without compromising sensitive data. (how easy is it
to attack our pages from the outside?)
I guess I'm trying to make the case that if we're going to do this we shouldn't
cut corners, that we should set up "for the real world" from the beginning.
I admit I don't know much about the hardware issue.  But I thought that it
was recommended to keep webserve/database separate.
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