Ask her why she doesn't like access?  Then create an excel-like interface on your web page so she can delete stuff from there :)
  ----- Original Message -----
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 12:06 PM
  Subject: OT: excel/access-editing/reimporting question

  Hi list, a customer of
  mine doesn't like
  MS-Access at all.
  She likes to edit/delete
  data with MS-Excel.
  But the backend for
  the CF-App is in MS-Access.

  Is there any option
  she can edit her data
  with Excel ?
  I thought of reimporting the data
  to access via an Excel ODBC, but
  the data-changes are quite complex
  and I am scared of data-inconsistencies.

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