Stupid Question, but can't seem to find a solution that works properly...

Got a form  that updates a SQL Server database with a several multiline
text fields.

Stuff like "Ted's 8"x12" brochure still needs a little work" gets
entered into these fields

I'm updating multiple rows by appending "_#thisID#)".

The update errors out because of the single quote in the entered text.

I've tried setting a variable like:

<cfset COMV=Replace(Form["COMMENTS_#thisID#"], "'", "&##39;", "all")>

..and then inside the update statement:


...but that doesn't seem to be working as it's still throwing an error
any time there's a single quote in the entered text...


Les Mizzell
Skill without imagination is craftsmanship
and gives us many useful objects such as
wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination
without skill gives us modern art.
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