Hi guys,

I have this query:

<CFQUERY NAME="PropertyDetails" datasource="020">
SELECT PropertyDataID, PropertyAgentID, PropertyDataAgentReference, PropertyDataFlatNumberHouseName, PropertyDataStreetNumber, PropertyDataStreetName, PropertyDataVillageTown, PropertyDataCountyState, PropertyDataPostcodeZip, PropertyDataCountry, PropertyDataNumberofBedrooms, PropertyDataNumberofBathrooms, PropertyDataHouseType, PropertyDataPrice, PropertyDataDurationType, PropertyDataDescription, PropertyDataDateAdded
FROM PropertyData
WHERE PropertyDataID = #URL.PropertyDataID# AND PropertyAgentID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#client.propertyagentid#">

Say if a user got to this page with a URL.PropertyID which equaled something in the database I thought that it wouldn't matter because of the rest of the WHERE clause stating that PropertyAgentID = Client.PropertyAgentID.  When i try and access the page being a different client.PropertyAgentID, the page still displays but without the fields filled in, so i guess it works but wouldn't it be better if an error appeared.  I thought that because the WHERE clause is false an error would occur but it doesn't.

Anyone know a simple way to make an error occur when a user somehow gets to run this query not being the correct client for that propertydataid (via a url)?


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