You can't use expressions inside hashes on CF5 and less.  That's a CFMX-only
thing.  You can wrap your expressions in a function (int() or evaluate()),
or assign them to temp variables and use them in your query.  For example:

<cfquery name="checkserialnumber" datasource="test">
count(*) as MyCount
from claimdetails where serialnum >= '#prefix##int(suffix - 5)#'
AND serialnum
<= '#prefix##int(suffix + 5)#'

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 10:46 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: cfmx & cf5
> I have a query that works fine on MX but shows this error on 5:
> Invalid parser construct found on line 117 at position 55.
> ColdFusion was
> looking at the following text:
> -
> Here is my query:
> <cfquery name="checkserialnumber" datasource="test">
> select
> count(*) as MyCount
> from claimdetails where serialnum >= '#prefix##suffix - 5#'
> AND serialnum
> <= '#prefix##suffix + 5#'
> </cfquery>
> How do I format for 5 and MX?
> Thanks!
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