Tony Weeg wrote:
> but I cant find ANY good reason not to use IE
> none.
> why fight that tide?  why develop on something just because you like
> it better, when the lions share of your visitors will be using something
> else?
> just why?

Develop for Firefox/bird and you'll find that 99% of the time it will
work in IE and in Nutscrape (even across OS too!  Just did this for a
recent site redesign).  Reason being that Firefox is much more strict on
HTML/XHTML/etc standards than IE or Nutscrape.

You can develop any old rubbish (some "developers" do) for IE and it'll
work in IE, but when you look at it in Nutscrape or any other browser it
displays like a bag of bolts.  Frankly using "quirks" of one browser
type is just plain bad practice and bad application development.

And thats before you get into discussions about how quickly pages are
rendered in the Firefox and all the other superb features that it has
(pop-up blocking as standard to name but one).

Yeh - Firefox has its faults but its getting there and you can see from
the stats that its picking up interest and following rapidly.

If you really must use ActiveX components, then there is an extension
for Firefox/Mozilla that will let you use them with Firefox.

Really you shouldn't develop anything for a specific browser, including
intranets where the company has a specific browser on all computers
throughout the building.  What happens if an employee wants to access
the intranet from a client site and the client is using Nutscrape and
you've got that wizzy code that use a "quirk" of IE??  The employee gets
to look like a right numpty in front of the client...  Great!!!!

My 2p too... ;o)

PS. Sorry if I'm repeating stuff thats already been said in the thread.....
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