Tom Jordahl wrote:
>CFMX 6.1 Standard and CFMX 6.0 have exactly the same delivery >throughput, which is limited to something reasonable, ~25K per hour, a >single thread and no spooling to memory and no maintain connection.

I personally have never experienced a CFMAIL speed or reliability problem that is CF's fault.  I throttle mail on my 6.1 Std server more as a safety valve in case a bunch of sites all decide to send big mailers at once... a precaution that is as much about not jamming up my Imail server's queue as it is anything else.

Notably, Infusion was able to rip thru anything CF fed it.  I wound up sticking with Imail, though, as the mail server resource problem I had (antispam system hogging up processor time, even on outgoing local mail) was solved by changing to another a/s system.

Matt Robertson,     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.

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